Finally found your favorite skincare products after endless searching and now you’re not seeing the results you want? I think we’ve all been there at one point or another, taking forever to find a good skincare product that is actually effective and addresses the skin concerns you have. And one of the most frustrating things is when your favorite product stops working or getting the results you want! So as to not having to write off your favorite skincare product, you take a break or continue using it in hopes for the best. But is that the way to start getting the results you want again? Don’t worry, here are reasons why your skincare products have stopped working – and it’s not always a bad thing!

1 – Your Skin Has Gotten Used To The Product / Achieved Its Goals With That Product

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of your skincare products can reach a plateau and it has happened to me a few times too. It may not be the absolute best skincare practice, but that’s why as soon as I finish a product, I try a new brand. I also do this because I want to find the best beauty products out there and I need to do a lot of testing to be able to recommend them!

Also, just because your skin has gotten used to a certain product or you have already gotten the major results you want from it, doesn’t mean it actually isn’t working. You’re just not seeing the same progress as you have before. Why? Because your skin has improved by using that product and the product did what it needed to. You may see less results the longer you use the product as you’ve achieved your skin goals or your skin may have built up a tolerance after using it for a certain period of time. You may consider taking a break from using this product, introduce a new one and possibly with more potency, and go back to your favorite product.

2 – Your Skin Type Has Changed

My skin type has changed as I got older, specifically in the winter during the cold and dry months. You can read more information about how my skin changed in My Skincare Journey Today – Part 3. From having oily/combination skin to dry skin during the cold season is a huge change for me. Where I once avoided heavy creams and only looked to gel creams, during the winter I need all the hydration I can get. From adding hyaluronic acid to my skincare routine as well as hydrating face masks, to dewy creams and balms, I needed to switch some of my skincare products up in order to give it what it needs.

As we age, our body changes and our skin changes. Don’t be worried that your skincare product may have stopped working, just adjust the products you’re using one at a time so you can figure out the culprit. Or if you’re like me and know what the problem is, switch from gel cleansers, clay masks, and gel creams to moisturizing cleansers, hydrating masks, and creams or balms.

Know your skin type – you can do this by taking online quizzes, seeing a dermatologist, or even checking with your local Sephora or beauty counter. I remember when I was working in the cosmetics department at Hudson’s Bay, the Shiseido counter had a machine that was able to scan my skin and tell me my skin type. You’ll need to ask a beauty advisor to help you with this.

3 – It’s The Same Product, But A New Formula

Brands are always coming out with either new products, or a reformulation of their current one. And sometimes, that new formula just isn’t as effective as the previous one and could be the reason why your skincare products have stopped working. Usually the brand will notify customers of a better and improved formula, but if it doesn’t work for you, you may have to start shopping for a new one! I know I’ve had to when it comes to makeup products, where the old performed way better than the new. Sometimes, there’s just nothing you can do about it and have to start your search all over again. That’s why I find that reading reviews and getting recommendations from people you trust is important and makes your search easier.

4 – The Product/Brand Is Low Quality

Whether it’s the quality of ingredients, the packaging it comes in that leaves the product more exposed to the air, or unstable formulations, any of these or a combination of these could be why your skincare products have stopped working. Also, sometimes a warning sign is when the prices are too low and too good to be true! I know we all love to spend as little as possible, but when it comes to your skin, it’s worth making the investment. Purchase from a brand you trust, with good and safe ingredients. And always, always do research as the information is so readily available to use these days.

I know that we don’t all understand the ingredient list a majority of the time, but there are some that should start standing out to you as you go about your skincare journey. Some examples of ingredients to avoid are: fragrance, formaldehyde, parabens, oxybenzone, triclosan, talc, lead, and sulfates.

5 – How You’re Storing The Product

If you store your beauty product in a high-heat or humid environment, like most of us do in the bathroom, it may alter the effectiveness of the ingredients. This includes if you get a lot of sun shining through your window and incidentally hitting your skincare products. Think of it this way, when you heat up your food in the microwave oven even slightly, the molecules change and react to the microwaves and in turn causes it to heat up. (I’m not going to get detailed into this as science was never my strong suit!) With this concept in mind, you can easily understand why heat can be damaging to your products. A good way to prevent this from happening if you want to keep your products in the bathroom is to get a mini beauty fridge like this one. Not only will it ensure your products are well-preserved, the coolness of the products will feel great on your skin! But keep in mind, not all products should be stored in the fridge.

6 – The Product Has Expired

Sometimes the easiest answer why your skincare products have stopped working is because the product has expired or has passed their best before date! The active ingredients in your beauty products are less potent or has just completely rendered ineffective or inactive. I find this happening often with people’s sunscreen! A lot of people actually don’t wear sunscreen throughout the year and only apply it when it’s a really hot day out, or they’re doing some kind of outdoor excursion. I’ve been guilty of this in my younger days as well and have a bottle sitting in my collection that’s a year past it’s expiry date because I just didn’t need to apply it to my body. But don’t worry, I’ve been applying sunscreen to my face every day! Here is also a Guide To Sunscreen Use And Finding The Safest One For You.

Remember to always check your product’s expiry date. It will actually be printed on the product (sometimes very inconspicuously) or it will give you a small image of a container with a number in it, which means the number of months it’ll take to expire after it has been opened.

If you’ve tried all of the above fixes as to why your skincare products have stopped working or you’re not getting the results you want, you very well likely have to change your skincare routine. Keep in mind that you’ll need skincare products that are for your skin type, are made to address your skin concerns, and of good quality. Also, don’t forget there is a Correct Amount Of Skincare Products To Apply to make sure you don’t over or under use a skincare product in your beauty regimen and to get the results you want.

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