Showing: 21 - 28 of 28 RESULTS
The Dana Edition - What's In My Everyday Makeup Bag?

What’s In My Everyday Makeup Bag?

As someone who likes to be prepared, there are certain items in my everyday makeup bag that I can’t leave the house without. (And when there are times that I do forget it, I have to admit that it is a big annoyance for me.) …

Morphe Sweet Oasis 35S Palette | The Dana Edition | Dana holding the new colourful palette with her eyes closed showing the use of the eyeshadows.

Morphe Sweet Oasis 35S Palette Review

New! Morphe Sweet Oasis Eyeshadow Palette When I saw Morphe launching the Sweet Oasis 35-pan eyeshadow palette, I knew I had to get my hands on it! I think this is the best colour scheme (thanks to @iluvsarahhii) that they came out with and totally …

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