With most skincare products, you won’t be able to see the results you want overnight. So how long does it really take for skincare products to show results? These products help your skincare problems, but they are not miracle workers. You need to first understand that these products may take some time to work and you will have to be consistent with using them. Of course, some products will have pretty much instant results, but they are temporary. Long-term use is key in order for you to see the maximum results and effectiveness. It all depends on what you use, and how severe you skin problem may be. Keep in mind, that depending on your age, your skin’s cycle is about 4-6 weeks or longer. This is where new cells will be born at your skin’s deepest layers and rises to the top, sheds, and renews again. Remember, when it comes to skincare products to show results, patience is key.

Factors For Why It Takes Time For Skincare Products To Show Results

Different products and different ingredients work at different paces for you to see full results. It takes time for active ingredients in skincare products to penetrate through the dermis to either reach the problem, or get deep enough to start working from within. Products that have ingredients such as retinol or peptides (epigenetic skincare) take even longer to work as it is working from the genetic level rather than the cellular level. This would be skincare products that try to reverse signs of aging, help with collagen, etc. As you slowly start introducing new products or steps into your skincare routine, it is important to notice how the ingredients react with each other. Give it some time when adding or removing products from your skincare routine to give your skin enough time to adjust. Then you can begin to know which works well for you and which doesn’t show any results. Dermatologists say you should stick with a product for about a 3 months’ time to really start seeing results.

However, be aware that if you’re using a brand new product and you have either an allergic reaction, stinging sensations, irritation or redness, it’s most likely a product that doesn’t work for your skin and can cause further damage. Always remember to consult your doctor or a dermatologist if you’re unsure. Also depending on the product, such as some acids, you may feel a slightly stinging/tingly sensation and it is normal. But of course only use what you can bear. It shouldn’t be painful or cause long-term discomfort.

Timeline For Each Skincare Product To Show Results

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1-2 weeks. Cleansers helps improve your skin’s texture and appearance through cleaning the pores for healthier skin.


Sometimes results can be instant depending on which brand or type of exfoliator you use. Physical exfoliators like a sugar scrub can be used between 1-3 times a week and you start seeing results in 3 weeks. For chemical exfoliators like AHA’s and BHA’s, it takes almost 2 months.


1-2 weeks. Toners help with removing any last traces of dirt and impurities that the cleanser did not. It also helps with pore size, improving skin tone, and helps balance your skin’s pH to get prepped for the next step.


4-8 weeks. Serums are usually made with smaller molecules and help with penetrating deeper into the skin to target a specific problem. Serums are lighter and thinner than moisturizers and leave out moisturizing agents that keep water from evaporating and therefore is only left with stronger, and more active ingredients.

Eye Cream

4-8 weeks. It is not always necessary to use an eye cream, but if there are things that you want to specifically target in that area, it is a great product to use. Eye creams help with antiaging and prevention, fine lines and wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness. If you want a quicker (but temporary solution), you can read my post on 2 Products To Instantly Improve Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes.


2-8 weeks. A moisturizer does not penetrate as deeply as a serum does. It is more of a sealant to everything you have applied. It helps to prevent and treat dry skin and to keep your skin cells healthy. The top layer of your skin renews about every 2 weeks, so moisturizers help maintains it until new skin surfaces.

Face Oil

30 minutes to get fully absorbed. I find that in terms of hydration, the results are pretty much instant. To help fade dark spots and help with brightening the skin, I usually see results in about 3 days to a week. The longer and more consistently you use it, the better results you will get.

Face Mask

You can see results from a face mask instantly, but again the results will be temporary. After several uses, you will start to see more of a result. Face masks can either further remove impurities, deeply hydrate the skin, or add more concentrated ingredients to better help target skin problems. By using a face mask, it can also help other skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin.


About 3 weeks for full results. You can start to see some brightening and better skin texture after the first couple uses as well. Peels help further exfoliate the skin, clear clogged up pores, and give a brighter and more radiant appearance.

7 Tips For Your Skincare Products To Show Better Results

  1. Don’t change too many skincare products at a time. Introduce 1 to 2 new skincare products at a time. That way you can tell if a new product is irritating you as well as slowly get your skin adjusted to the new ingredients.
  2. Be patient. A full skin cycle takes almost a month. Not only that, ingredients take time to work and consistent use is important in order to have your skincare products show the results you want.
  3. Know the ingredients you are using in your skincare products. Some active ingredients may not work well together and can completely negate the effects you’re looking for. Do your research. Also, there can be ingredients you would prefer not to use such as fragrance, sulfates, parabens, etc.
  4. Use the correct skincare products for your skin type. For example, if you use a clarifying cleanser for dry skin, you’ll end up with drier skin than you first started with. Or if you use a moisturizer for dry skin on oily/combination skin, you’ll end up with oilier skin and probably even more breakouts.
  5. Read the instructions on your skincare products. Skincare products usually come with simple instructions on when to use, how much to use, and how to use it. Even though the product may be the same, the way to use it can be different for different brands.
  6. Use sunscreen to protect the effort you’re trying to make on your skin. Protection is key and the sun can invoke the largest damage of all. Also, some ingredients, especially in serums, do not work well with the sun and can cause your skin to burn so make sure to always apply sunscreen.
  7. In conjunction with skincare products, make sure you’re staying hydrated, eating properly, and getting enough sleep. You can be doing everything for your skin on a physical level, but if you are not taking care of your body and nourishing it from the within, it’s hard to get the results you want.

To have your skincare products show the results you want, make sure you’re also using The Correct Amount Of Skincare Products To Apply.

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