I fly back and forth between Toronto, Canada and Miami, Florida a lot and my absolute favourite thing to do is relax at the best beaches in Miami. And when opportunity allows depending on the weather, waves and the tide, I love being able to …

As an aspiring world traveller and jetsetter, I invite you to join me on my travel adventures around the world, get dream destination inspirations and quick tips to easily plan your own vacations and getaways.
I fly back and forth between Toronto, Canada and Miami, Florida a lot and my absolute favourite thing to do is relax at the best beaches in Miami. And when opportunity allows depending on the weather, waves and the tide, I love being able to …
Now that you’ve planned your trip with my free Pre-Trip Planner And Checklist printable download, booked your flights and hotels, and taken all the necessary steps to make sure your trip goes smoothly with my Ultimate Guide To Planning Your Trip Abroad, here’s what’s next. …
In order to have the best and stress-free times on your travels, you’ll have to plan ahead. Here is a detailed guide to planning your trip abroad to make sure you’re ready for almost anything. 13 Steps In Preparing And Planning For Your Trip Abroad …
Whether or not it’s safe to travel yet and against government warnings, people are still doing so. I was actually one of them – you can read about my experience in Traveling Outside The Country During the Pandemic Part 1 and Part 2. With a …
Read Traveling Outside The Country During The Pandemic – Part 1 to see how it was traveling in the summer of 2020. At the Canadian Airport The second time I went traveling outside the country during the pandemic was in December 2020 – back to …
Traveling Outside The Country Right Before The Pandemic I’m a jetsetter and I used to travel around the world at a minimum of 3-4 times a year. The last time I was traveling outside the country before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the borders was …