It could be your first time taking a long haul flight or you could be a well-traveled jetsetter who just doesn’t like long flights. I’m definitely the latter as I’m impatient to get to my destination, get off the plane and start exploring. But we need all the help we can get to survive long haul flights especially if the flight is more than 8 hours and you’re traveling across the world.

Whether you’re in first, business, or economy class, sitting in a small, confined space with less than optimal air circulation with lots of other people is not the best situation. But it is unavoidable if you want to visit a farther destination. So here are 22 ways to survive a long haul flight and take into consideration wellbeing, entertainment, health, and passing the time as comfortably as possible.

1 – Stay Hydrated

One of the most important things to do when you’re on a plane, whether you’re in on a long or short haul flight, is to stay hydrated. Due to the dry cabin air, low humidity and recirculation of air, it’s best to drink 1 cup of water per hour that you’re on the plane. But make sure it is bottled water only, or have your own refillable water bottle that you can fill prior to boarding the plane. It’s best to avoid water, coffee, or tea on a plane unless it’s bottled or canned since the water tanks and coffee machines in the planes are almost never cleaned.

2 – Get A Good Seat

When booking your flight, make sure you book your favorite seat, whether it is a window or aisle seat. Window seats are great for the views and being able to lean onto the side of the plane when you want to nap. And aisle seats are great if you like get up and walk around easier, or get easier access to the bathroom. I’m more of an aisle seat person as I like to get off the plane as fast as I can, and I don’t like being “stuck”. It’s already bad enough that planes are so small and cramped, I want to be able to get up whenever I need without having to ask the entire row to move for me, especially if they’re sleeping.

3 – Dress In Comfort & Wear Layers

Planes can get colder after ascension and with the air blowing above you, so it’s important to dress warmly or in layers that you can remove or add as needed. Also, if you start to rest or fall asleep, your body temperature tends to cool down a bit. You want to be able to rest in comfort, whether you prefer to wear less or more on a plane. Being prepared is key as it may not always be easy to grab what you need in the overhead bins or you may have checked in the items you need.

4 – Be Nice To The Flight Attendants

Even though flight attendants seem to be there to cater to your on-flight needs, they are there first and foremost, for your safety. They are usually on back to back flights, running on little sleep and tight schedules. Although for long haul flights, they usually take shifts and sleep in a little area above your cabin, doesn’t mean it’s comfortable or that everyone can pass out right away. Remember to be kind or even ask how they are doing. A little kindness goes a long way. You may even get some perks (extra snacks, food or drinks) in return. I’ve had some very interesting conversations with flight attendants on my long haul flights when I get up for a walk to the back during my flight. They have some intriguing stories to tell and a lot of them are quite pleasant to talk to.

5  – Bring Your Own Snacks

Food on the plane can be pricey and they don’t always taste the best. Bring some of your favorite snacks on the plane to survive a long haul flight, particularly if you are on a special diet. You want to be able to cater to your tastes as well as take care of your body while you’re at it. This also comes in handy when you finally land in your destination country but can’t get to a restaurant or buy food right away.

6 – Bring Your Go To Items

These days, whether it’s our phones, iPods, tablets or laptops, we all need it close to us. Make sure you have it on your person and have everything charged and ready to go. Don’t forget to take your chargers, plugs, and portable chargers with you. I’ve shared some of these items in my post on 10 Important Things To Do Before Boarding Your Flight.

7 – Pack A Toothbrush/Toothpaste

One way to feel fresh on a plane is to be able to brush your teeth. Just remember to use bottled water to do so. After many hours on the plane, possibly not drinking enough water, and even napping can cause your mouth to go dry. Brushing your teeth will give you an instant refresh.

8 – Get Comfortable

Whether you need a blanket to stay warm during your flight, an eye mask to block out light when you’re napping, or a travel pillow to support your neck so you don’t use the shoulder of your unknown seat neighbor, traveling in comfort is key. More so when you’re on a long haul flight. You don’t want to be freezing on the plane, or wake up with a neck cramp after a 24 hour flight. Also, it’s not always comfortable to be wearing shoes for so many hours – make sure to pack comfy socks to keep your feet protected but to also not gross our your neighbors. I’ve been on flights where the person sitting behind me sticks their feet all the way onto my arm rest and it was just unpleasant, and I occasionally had to spray some perfume on their socks, but at least they wore them!

9 – Take A Nap

If you can. If you’re one of those people who can fall asleep quick, then lucky you. Time passes so much faster on a flight when you’re able to sleep through it. When you’re constantly paying attention to the time, it seems to move much slower and make you feel the flight is longer than it is. Take a sleep aid if you need. Melatonin is great for when you’re trying to regular your body’s internal clock and you can easily buy it over the counter. If you need something stronger, get advice from a doctor!

10 – Entertain Yourself

If you can’t nap, watch movies, read, listen to music or a podcast, or play a game on your phone/tablet. Worst case – work on your laptop – but I do not recommend taking work with you on vacation! I usually do a mix of napping, watching movies, and listening to music. I can’t live without my iPod and I can listen to music for hours on end, even if it’s on repeat. Why? Because I love singing and music is actually how I’ve learned different languages. It’s a lot of work, but a lot of the times I download the lyrics to go with the music and study it. The point is, give yourself a variety of options. And if you’re traveling with a companion, great conversation can easily pass the time.

12 – Avoid DVT

Deep vein thrombosis is something that you can get when you’re sitting on a plane for too long. If you don’t get up and move, you are at higher risk of getting blood clots in the leg are. So get up, take walks, and stretch to give circulation to your body. This will very much help you survive a long haul flight! I know the walkway is small and there’s always people getting up and walking or getting something from the overhead bins. But the area by the bathroom and towards where the flight attendant stations are great to stand. I’ve never been told to move, and they understand you need to stretch. If anything, this is when I engage in good conversation with flight attendants sometimes. If you don’t like to get up and walk that often, or are scared of flying so you don’t get up for 8 hours like my one of my previous marketing directors, then compression socks may help you.

14 – Watch The Alcohol

I know. Most people love the free alcohol perks of flying on long haul flights, but it can really dehydrate you as it’s a mild diuretic. You are also more prone to motion sickness. I’ve also read in several articles that because there is less available oxygen, you’ll get drunk much faster than on land with the same amount of alcohol. Which actually, may be a positive for some people. Just don’t forget to stay hydrated to give your body what it needs to survive a long haul flight!

15 – Avoid Diuretics

This includes drinks such as coffee, tea, and sodas. This is to reemphasize hydration for your body and to avoid putting it through more stress on a long flight.

16 – Pack Your Own Headphones

Not only is this great for when you want to listen to music during your travels, but it’s also much more comfortable than the ones that the planes provide. With your own headphones, you’re the one who gets to decide the quality, noise cancellation for screaming children on board, and to travel in style.

17 – Take Vitamin C

You are more susceptible to a weakened immune system during a long flight. Whether it’s stress due to traffic on the road while getting to the airport, check-in problems, or rushing to your gate before your flight. It may not be a big deal to you in your mind, but your body knows. And added stress weakens the immune system, especially when traveling through multiple time zones. You definitely don’t want to get sick on your trip! Bad health can ruin your travels. I’ve been through it – highly do not recommend!

18 – Turn On The Air Vents

Above your seats should be an air vent that you can choose to open or keep closed. To be honest, I usually keep this closed because I get cold easily. But turning on the air vents can help with circulation and getting rid of the bad, stale, recycled air around you.

19 – Ground Your Bare Feet Against A Natural Surface

Such as sand or grass for 15-20 minutes to prevent inflammation in the body gives you back beneficial negative ions. It helps relieve stress and increase your serotonin levels for mood. A flight attendant also once told me to rub a spoon on the bottom of my feet. I haven’t tried this though, I get too distracted with wanting to explore my destination right away. But apparently, this also helps with jet lag.

20 – Eat Warm Foods And Drink Warm Liquids

This helps with nourishing your digestive system and another way to keep your body healthy through the stresses of travel.

21 – Choose Vegetarian

Most long haul flights will provide you 2 to 3 meals during your flight. Opting for a vegetarian meal keeps you healthier in the sense that you aren’t consuming meat products that are full of sodium and preservatives. Sodium also causes dehydration. And it all goes back to the #1 travel hack to surviving on a long haul flight – stay hydrated! To also give your body the nutrition it needs, try to eat a healthy meal before and after your flight!

22 – Don’t Overeat

When you’re in the air, bodily gasses expand more and may cause you to feel bloated and uncomfortable. And the goal to surviving a long haul flight is to be comfortable!

Flying in comfort and keeping your body in optimal shape is key to having an enjoyable time away from home. So take the necessary steps to love and take care of your body so that it can help you make the most out of your vacation.

If you’re ever unsure, make sure to consult your doctor or do more research on your own. Only you and your healthcare practitioner will know exactly what your body needs or can take. Whether you only use some of these tips or a majority of them, my goal here is to help you survive on a long haul flight so that you can thoroughly enjoy your new destination when you land.

Don’t forget to read 10 Important Things To Do Before You Board The Plane to help you survive a long haul flight.

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