I’ve delayed writing this specific blog post because even though I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, I know there are still countless hidden gems waiting to be discovered and I worry that maybe I won’t be doing my city justice. But if you …

I’ve delayed writing this specific blog post because even though I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, I know there are still countless hidden gems waiting to be discovered and I worry that maybe I won’t be doing my city justice. But if you …
Discovering new adventures together is one of the most rewarding and exciting aspects of being in a relationship, so if you’re seeking inspiration for romantic weekend getaway destinations in North America, look no further! Here are some of the most enchanting weekend destinations in North America, …
Calling all cheese lovers – Oxford County is the dairy capital of Ontario, Canada and there’s no better way to experience this than to explore the self-guided tour of the Oxford County Cheese Trail. At one point, they had about 100 cheese factories, and today there …
Taking road trips to the next province over in Quebec is one of my favorite kinds of nearby trips to take. I’ve always said that it feels like I’m visiting a different country and I love their architecture, cobblestone roads, how food is an art over there, …
A new year means another year of statutory holidays to take advantage of and have an extra-long weekend – or if you decide to use a random vacation or personal day to extend your weekend, it’s easy to get away for a short trip to …
If you don’t get winters often and want to experience the cold and snow, visiting the Great White North is an easy option as we have plenty of beautiful winter destinations to visit in Canada. Not only is it a different climate than you may …
Over in Eastern Canada, Nova Scotia (also known as New Scotland in Latin), is one of the maritime provinces in the country. I visited Halifax, Nova Scotia many years back during a Princess Cruise to Canada and New England. Even when I was younger, it …
Right after our trip to the Canadian West Coast to visit the beautiful provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, we went home to Toronto and then took a road trip to a quaint little town in Quebec called Chelsea for 3 days to celebrate our anniversary. (We visited Prince Edward County the …
On my recent West Coast trip, we started in Canmore and Banff, Alberta, then flew into Victoria, British Columbia and took a bus and ferry to Vancouver. Whistler, British Columbia was our final stop and it was one of the favorite parts of our itinerary besides Canmore and Banff! …
After visiting Victoria on Vancouver Island, we then took a bus and a ferry and headed north to Vancouver, British Columbia for a short while before we made our way to our final stop in Whistler. Vancouver is well-known for the food scene, scenic mountain and …