Everyone has different passions and that’s okay, but since I love to travel and my blog is largely based on travel, I admit I am a little biased on why traveling is essential to self-care. To start, self-care is when you do something to take care of yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically to improve your well-being, mood, and state of mind. And everyone’s form of self-care may vary since we’re all unique human beings. Our daily life can be stressful especially if you have a job that is high-pressure and requires a lot out of you. And if you have a large family or kids living with you, it may be harder to get that “me time” that we need once in a while. 

In situations like these, traveling is a necessary form of self-care that can physically take you out of the environment you’re used to and gives you a change of pace and scenery that you may desperately need. Travelling can help you avoid burnout and recover from everyday stresses while gaining so much more. With a different mindset and even having the possibility of a digital detox and going off the grid, traveling can really help you refresh and reset yourself.

How Traveling Is Self-Care

There are many ways in which traveling is essential to self-care, but there are a few points I wanted to put emphasis on that are beneficial to your wellness journey.

1 – The Ability To Focus On Yourself

When traveling, and especially If you’re able to have a getaway on your own, you can have enough time to focus on yourself while not having to worry about the everyday chores of cooking, cleaning, taking care of others, and even working. You will have more time to relax, go on excursions to fulfill your sense of adventure, try activities you normally don’t do, and generally just do things you can’t when you’re home with this newfound, short-term freedom. Sometimes being taken out of the place you’re used to and changing up your daily routine is exactly what you need and gives you the chance to look at life from a different perspective and you can go home inspired and rejuvenated (and looking forward to your next trip).  

2 – Learning That The World Is Bigger Than You

I truly believe that life is all about learning and you should never stop learning. No matter what it is, I want to get as much education and knowledge as possible and I wish there was more time for it. However, I find that traveling is an easy way to learn new things and open your eyes to how the world is so much bigger than you and that there’s so much to discover across different countries, cultures, lifestyle, and more. Traveling is essential to self-care since it teaches you to have a better understanding of the world around you and while you can have a lot of fun on trips, you are investing in yourself and educating yourself in some way when you go abroad. 

3 – Enjoy The Outdoors While Getting More Exercise

When traveling, the last thing you probably want to do is stay in your hotel room. You’ll want to explore the city or swim at the beach and make the most of your time abroad – wherever you may be. All of these activities indirectly help you get more exercise in, which leads to a healthier lifestyle while you’re traveling at least! But going out and being active can encourage you to also lead a healthier lifestyle once you’re back home. If you spend most of your day sitting in front of a desk for work like I do, it’s such a relief to be able to get away from it and spend time outdoors and get moving. We are not made to work on a computer all day and traveling allows us to have this break that we need to reset our bodies and hopefully get into better habits, which is an integral part of self-care.

4 – Reduces Stress And Anxiety

We all need a vacation once in a while and not only is it a luxury that a lot of people look forward to, it really is a form of self-care that greatly reduces stress, anxiety, and other problems. Although it is short-term, travel promotes happiness in the way that being able to get away from it all helps you reset, get your mind off of stressful situations, relieve tension, and make you feel calmer. Traveling also rewires your brain as you encounter new experiences which require you to think a different way and in this case, for the better. As we are focusing on reducing stress and anxiety, here are some tips on How To Take The Stress Out Of Traveling and 13 Ways To Avoid Travel Fatigue And Burnout.

5 – Gain A Bigger Appreciation For Home

The last major point of why I think traveling is essential to self-care is because stepping away from what you’re used to and being in a different environment for a certain amount of time can allow you to appreciate home more. As much as I love traveling, sometimes I’m just so excited to get home and be able to sleep in my own bed for a while until my next trip. I think having a balance of both travel and home is important and can help you appreciate both a lot more. As I’ve shared in my recent Instagram reel, I used to always want to leave Canada and thought that the grass is greener on the other side where there is the ocean and a new environment for me to explore. Over time as I’ve traveled more, spent more time abroad, and decided to really discover the areas around me have I really started to appreciate my home. I feel safe, my family and friends are there, and having my own home just anchors me. 

If you’re ready to indulge in some travel self-care, here are some Travel Guides on how you can start planning your trip abroad!

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