Aside from using a cleanser and a moisturizer, one of the most important products to include in your skincare routine is an eye cream. Aging really shows in the eyes through tiredness, fine lines, and wrinkles. All of this can be caused by damage from the sun, squinting, less collagen production, fluids collecting under the eyes that also cause dark circles and puffiness and more. If you want to take measures to look young or slow down the appearance of aging, it’s important to take care of your eyes. Here are the reasons why you need an eye cream in your daily skincare routine and everything you need to know about using one.

What Is An Eye Cream?

Eye creams are made specifically for the eyelid and under-eye area. The skin around your eyes can up to 10 times thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face and will sometimes need lower concentrations of a specific ingredient or a product that is gentler in this particular area.

Why Do Eye Creams Help?

Not only do eye creams maintain the appropriate hydration around your eyes, it also has the ability to target problems such as dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, and wrinkles. It also helps repair the skin around your eyes. In a lot of cases as we get older, we tend to reach for eye creams for this reason.

When Should You Use An Eye Cream?

Using an eye cream during the morning and night is optimal. That way, you can address any concerns in the eye area more often than just once and it can also be a primer before your makeup during the day. Once you get used to adding this to your routine, it’ll be just as easy as washing your face and applying a moisturizer twice a day.

At What Age Is An Eye Cream Necessary?

When it comes to skincare, the earlier the better is key since prevention is so important. We don’t want to just start looking for solutions when we see the problems emerge. We want to take care of our skin ahead of time and that is a big reason why you need an eye cream in your skincare routine.

Can I Use A Moisturizer Instead?

Technically you can, since when you apply your moisturizer, it’ll cover your eye area anyway. But like I mentioned above, the skin around your eyes is much more delicate than the rest of your face and the consistency and purpose of your moisturizer might not be fitting for your eyes.

Do I Apply Eye Cream Before Or After A Moisturizer?

Generally, the rule of thumb is to apply your layers thinnest to thickest. I like to apply mine after my serum and before my moisturizer. I also want my eye cream to absorb better, therefore I apply mine before a moisturizer to make the most of its effects.

What Application Technique Should I Use?

Use your ring finger to apply an eye cream since it is gentle enough, with just the right amount of pressure when it comes to your delicate eye area. You can tap the eye cream into your orbital bone area gently as well.

How Much Should I Apply?

The eye area can be very sensitive. There has been a few eye creams I used which were too heavy and caused some bumps around my eyes due to the excess oil. It also depends on how much eye cream to apply. Here’s The Correct Amount Of Skincare Products To Apply so you don’t overdo it! Yes, you’re trying to target problem areas, but more doesn’t always mean better. Also remember to follow the instructions of the particular eye cream that you get so you can get optimal benefits.

When Should I Expect To See Results?

That depends on which eye cream you use, what problems you want to fix, and how severe your concerns are. For me, when it comes to dark circles, it takes about a week to see some improvement. Of course, the longer you use it, the better results you will see. Here is also a detailed answer to How Long Does It Take For Skincare Products To Show Results.

Do I Really Need An Eye Cream In My Skincare Routine?

Well, that’s entirely up to you and what are your needs are! But as we age, we start to see problems that we want to fix. And prevention is key. And if it’s too late for that, at least an eye cream can correct some of the damage that you may have. Personally, it has worked really well for me in terms of prevention of fine lines and I do see a lot of improvement when it comes to dark circles. Though it may be an extra step, it will pay off in the long run.

Eye Cream Recommendations

One of my favorite eye creams is the Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Eye Crème which I did a full detailed review on. Another eye cream I always repurchase is the Tarte Cosmetics Maracuja C-Brighter Eye Treatment .

What If I Need An Instant Fix?

Although seeing the benefits of an eye cream take time, if you’re looking for instant fixes in regards to dark circles and puffiness, here are 2 Products To Instantly Improve Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes and how you can Instantly Brighten Your Under-Eyes With These 2 Makeup Products.

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