“Luxury is a necessity that begins when necessity ends.” – Coco Chanel

Just to make sure I’m on the right track with what a luxurious lifestyle is, I did some reading and research to see others’ viewpoints on this topic. But what does the luxurious lifestyle actually mean? Your first thought might the be billionaire lifestyle of Bugattis and Birkins. Well, the luxurious lifestyle can mean different things. Most people think of luxury as designer brands and unaffordable or unattainable items for the everyday person, but there are so many different ways to live a more luxurious lifestyle. Whether it’s traveling the world and pampering yourself through nice hotels and spa experiences, having a beautiful mansion with a two-story closet just for her, or not having to go to work and having the free time to work on your hobbies. Your luxury lifestyle begins with a luxury mindset and making that decision to make it a standard in your life in order to enjoy life. However, the definition of a luxurious lifestyle may fall on different spectrums for different people! We will also keep in mind that some things are more important or less important to others and therefore different monetary proportions will be placed in these categories, but it doesn’t mean it’s any less luxurious for them.

I like the finer things in life (who doesn’t?!), but I agree with Coco Chanel in saying that “luxury is a necessity that begins when necessity ends”. Once you have your basic needs met, it’s like leveling up in a game – except it’s life. The luxurious lifestyle won’t work out if you are faking the lifestyle and you’re struggling to make ends meet because this lifestyle will make it much harder for you to maintain and can land you in some tough places. A controversial thought and something I read a while back: if you’re struggling for it and don’t have the immediate funds for it – especially more than once – it’s probably not a lifestyle. There’s a reason some things are called unattainable luxury. A luxurious lifestyle costs money to maintain so that you can enjoy life and the things you want to do at any time. 

I’m also noting that not everyone places the same values or importance on the items listed here, but here are some points that can play into how to live a more luxurious lifestyle and how having the mindset and standard of this everyday lifestyle can become a norm for you.

1 – Don’t Forget To Save And Invest First

Luxury may look like having the means to spend on whatever you like, however you like, whenever you like. But it’s also about being smart and wisely spending your money so that you can continue to live a more luxurious lifestyle! I think one of the most important things about this kind of lifestyle is that you need to always pay yourself first. And investing is the smartest way to do so in order to continue increasing what’s in your bank accounts while accounting for inflation. Whether you’re an active investor or a set-it-and-forget-it long-term investor, having enough in your daily savings accounts as well as an emergency fund on top of that is a must. 

No matter how little or how much money I will ever have, I will always be saving and investing first while making smart decisions with my money. I don’t like to spend recklessly and throw money away, but at the same time, a lot of people do so without thinking twice and that’s okay – it’s all about what’s important to you. Money won’t bring happiness, but it sure helps 

2 – Quality Over Quantity

When I was young, I didn’t understand why my family and other people I see would spend so much on designer items but as I got older – it made total sense to me. Not only is it living a luxurious lifestyle, but sometimes it’s an investment. Look at how much return you can get on a Rolex or a Chanel bag these days. Sometimes, you get even more returns than you do on the stock market!

Although we can buy dozens of these items, I still see them as having quality over quantity. First, you likely won’t buy an endless amount of these items unless you have a big obsession (and I know a lot of people who do), but for the everyday person, a few designer purses every year makes more sense than having to buy dozens and dozens of non-branded purses that break after a few uses and that you constantly have to replace or just buy for no reason because it’s cheap. I like having classic designer purses that are a staple I can use until the end of time and will have them for the most part unless I’m hiking or traveling to a not-so-safe country, then I’ll opt for a mid-range designer or your usual Herschels, Adidas, or Nike type of brand for outdoor activities. Choosing quality over quantity also helps reduce waste and make the most of the amount of money you spend. Think less cost per use if that makes you feel better!

Clothes for the most part I won’t spend a ridiculous amount of money on since it’s so easily shrunken in the dryer, you can get stains on them easily, and it’s such a hassle to dry clean. But winter jackets are definitely something to invest good money in! It really depends on what you value more or what you feel good about purchasing, but start with having the mindset of quality over quantity to live a more luxurious lifestyle.

3 – Your Style Matters

You don’t have to dress fashionably all the time or follow any of the fast fashion trends, but your style matters. But what does that mean? I’m sure a majority of us love loungewear and sweatpants – they’re super comfortable! But what I mean is that being put together and even opting for high-quality brands and not wearing torn t-shirts just because you’re at home. It’s such a small thing in terms of luxury, but it really makes lounging at home that much more stylish and comfortable. Plus, you don’t have to panic whenever you get a surprise guest – you’re looking your best at all times. Also, have you ever had those dreams when you’re not wearing your best PJs and it appears in your dreams and becomes a small nightmare? Not only does dressing stylishly or with good quality clothing makes you live a little more luxuriously, but you will also exude confidence in anything you wear. 

4 – Maintain A Luxurious Home Environment

The same with standardizing your style to look and feel more luxurious, you’ll want the same in your home. Your home also reflects your lifestyle and maintaining a luxurious home environment with quality pieces of furniture, art, electronics, super soft blankets like Barefoot Dreams, and even luxury scented candles such as Hotel Collection or Hotel Lobby Candle can elevate your home lifestyle, especially for the travel lover. 

For a lot of people, you’ll likely spend the majority of your time at home if you’re not at work. And in a lot of cases these days, you’re also likely working from home if you are so lucky. You’ll want your home to be your sanctuary and somewhere you’re happy and comfortable. For example, If I’m not traveling, I rarely want to leave my house, especially if it has everything I need! 

5 – Travel To Enjoy Life And Get Cultured

Travel is a luxury since it takes time and money, which many people don’t always readily have – at least not together at the same time – so it becomes a luxury or a special once-in-a-while occasion. But to really live a more luxurious life, you’ll find that you may want to broaden your horizons and travel more often and indulge in special experiences abroad. Not that you always need to be in a different country every weekend or only do yacht parties, but booking that flight more often than not, exploring and learning a new culture, trying new foods, and having a new outlook into how others live not only humbles you but can give you an even bigger sense of gratitude.

6 – Pamper Yourself When You Want 

One of the easiest ways to live a more luxurious lifestyle is to pamper yourself when you want or need it. Having a monthly facial treatment to maintain or improve your skin, going to get massages just for extra relaxation or just because you deserve it, and other health or wellness treatments are really some of the ways you can take care of yourself. Even something as small as getting your nails done every two weeks. Having the ability to book these small luxuries and incorporate them as part of your lifestyle without having to think twice is pretty nice.

7 – Take Care Of Your Skin With Luxury Beauty

Another one of the ways I feel that I live a more luxurious lifestyle (as do a lot of other content creators I know), is to invest and take care of your skin with luxury beauty products. Avoiding drugstore brands and opting for luxury beauty in haircare, makeup, and skincare can make a huge difference in your lifestyle. Once you start understanding the superior ingredients, luxury packaging, and true results, you’ll never want to go back – even if you have to pay a premium for it. It’s a small way to pamper yourself daily and trust me, you want to treat yourself to the best products.

I love shopping at Sephora because it has most of the best brands in one place and when they have their bi-annual Saving Event, you might even get a little crazy.

8 – Prioritize Comfort And Convenience As You See Fit

A very telling sign of when you’re living a more luxurious lifestyle (when you’re not looking at this as though you have bad money management skills) is to prioritize comfort and convenience when you feel like it, even when it doesn’t make sense. Booking Business or First Class for a couple hours in the air, having a private tour just for you and your traveling companions, taking a Lyft for something that could have just been a 5-minute walk, or ordering Uber Eats when the restaurant is literally across the street from you. You have the option to prioritize convenience over something that would not be worth spending money on to someone else. 

9 – Indulge In Fine-Dining Experiences

One of the most fun ways to live a more luxurious lifestyle is to indulge in fine-dining experiences. I don’t necessarily prioritize fine dining as I just always find it takes too long since I’m an impatient person, and I love trying all kinds of food in general so it doesn’t always have to be a Michelin star restaurant but having the ability to do so when you feel like it is pretty luxurious to me! 

10 – Helping The Less Fortunate

Although it seems that living a more luxurious lifestyle is all about you and prioritizing your needs and wants first, it’s also pretty luxurious to help those who are less fortunate when you can. That’s one of the reasons I love traveling! The smallest things you do can make such a huge difference in someone’s life – whether you only help them with something or give them something. Here are 8 Important Lessons I Learned When Traveling where I share a little more detail about this. 

Having the means to afford what you like is great and all, but it always feels better when you’re helping others. My dream since I was young is to go to another country, help build homes, or even provide necessities that they don’t easily get access to and having the ability to do so whenever I feel like it. But everyone’s vision of giving or helping can be different. 

Overall, living a more luxurious lifestyle is also investing in yourself – whether it’s education or self-care, or even experiences or things that you like. It’s about not having to think twice about whether or not you can afford it, but whether or not you want to. Slow down and enjoy the little luxuries in life because really, our greatest luxury is having time. I’ve always said life isn’t about work, because at the end of the day, that’s not what you’re going to be known for. You’re going to be known for your morals and values, your beliefs, and if you are a kind or genuine person. Of course, so much can be said around this topic – but that’s for another time! 

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