Do you ever come back from vacation either dreading work or the number of chores you have on your to-do list? Returning from vacation can be overwhelming with these responsibilities coupled with jetlag, fatigue, and feeling out of sync. To navigate this transition and go back to reality successfully, it’s crucial to recognize the challenges and take intentional steps toward regaining balance and re-establishing a routine at home. 

1 – Start By Managing Jetlag On The Way Back From Your Vacation

Before departing your vacation destination, gradually adjust your sleep schedule to align with your home time zone and use sleep aids during the flight if needed. Upon arrival, expose yourself to natural light, only engage in light activity, and establish a healthy sleep routine. Don’t forget to have well-balanced meals and to stay hydrated. Taking a proactive approach to managing jetlag helps lay the foundation to get back on track after vacation. Everyone’s reaction to jetlag may vary so listen to your body and adjust your strategies to deal with jetlag as needed! 

Since I’m a night owl, even when I get back from vacation I still stay up until very late so I’m usually okay by the next day since I’m back to my normal sleeping patterns for the most part. Unless I’m lucky to have a day to sleep in, I will do that as well! 

2 – Skip Alcohol On The Plane

Choosing to skip alcohol on the plane can be a strategic and conscious decision to help with resetting after coming back from vacation. Alcohol can contribute to dehydration and jetlag as well as disrupting sleep patterns. Opting for water or non-alcoholic beverages promotes better sleep quality and allows your body to better adjust to your new schedule. As hard it can be for some people, skipping alcohol does mitigate the physical effects of travel and help you transition back to your daily routine seamlessly.

3 – Stay Hydrated

I talk about staying hydrated a lot throughout different blog posts here but it really is crucial for helping you get back on track after vacation as flying can lead to dehydration since there’s low humidity on board the plane. Drinking the amount of water your body needs promotes overall well-being and prevents fatigue and headaches and supports your body’s natural processes. This is particularly important for coming back home and returning to your normal routine as your diet may have been quite different while you were away. It’s also a good foundational element for your body’s recovery and adjustment after the stress of traveling because we all know catching flights and making sure you don’t miss it because of faulty transportation woes can be nerve-wracking.

4 – Get Back On Track With Healthy Eating Habits

One way to reset after vacation is to get back on track with healthy eating habits. It is essential to restoring your body’s balance and well-being as you most likely have disrupted your regular eating habits by indulging in delicious food abroad as most people do – and as you should! I usually let myself have a day back home before getting back to my routine as I’m usually flying back late, I will get takeout that night. However, post-vacation, it’s a good idea to incorporate more nutrient-dense foods and to meal plan to help you make nutritious choices. Prioritizing mindful eating will get you back on track after vacation in no time!

5 – Relax On Stimulants Like Caffeine

When traveling, irregular sleep patterns and changes in time zones can contribute to fatigue and disrupted sleep, leading to more caffeine intake to help sustain you. Caffeine can worsen these symptoms by interfering with your sleep cycle and contributing to restlessness. By reducing or eliminating your caffeine intake, especially in the hours before bedtime, it will help facilitate the body’s natural regulation of sleep patterns. If needed, a small dose of melatonin can assist in this process. Reducing the use of caffeine not only helps with improving sleep quality but also plays a role in minimizing dehydration. 

6 – Unpack Strategically And Do Laundry In A Timely Manner

Half the people like to unpack and do laundry right away, the other half probably takes 7 business days to get to it. I like to unpack and do multiple loads of laundry the day I come back – it’s literally the first thing I do when I get home. I like tackling all the laundry and not have it pile up with my laundry before the trip and get it done right away and it’s also super exciting to go through all the things I brought back home (albeit it’s either beauty products or food items). For those who need to take their time and find unpacking and doing laundry once you get back from your travels overwhelming, start by unpacking essentials to restore a sense of order. Sort and put away items that you can to avoid clutter. Slowly moving towards putting everything back into its place will help you feel like you’re getting back to your regularly scheduled routine soon enough!

7- Prioritize And Plan

One of the best ways to get back on track after vacation is to prioritize and plan your life! List your pending tasks, create a to-do list to organize your responsibilities, and outline a schedule to tackle all your tasks efficiently. Even when I’m not traveling, this is something I do on a daily basis. My list of items to tackle is never-ending and just keeps expanding so it’s really important that I keep a close eye on things. Updating your calendar with appointments and social commitments also helps you keep track of your schedule and life in general. 

8 – Get Rested

The best way to recover from traveling is to get enough rest! Ensure you get a good night’s sleep – or a few – to restore your energy levels. Gradually easing back into your regular sleep schedule and emphasizing the importance of high-quality sleep will not only aid physical recuperation but contribute to mental rejuvenation. I like to use my Fitbit to track my sleep and although it’s nowhere near as good as I want it to be, it’s helpful to see how much sleep I’m getting or not getting.

9 – Head Back Into The Gym

Aside from hydrating and getting well-rested, reintegrating physical activity into your daily life is a crucial step in bouncing back after vacation. Exercise not only boosts your energy levels, but it plays a role in maintaining overall health post-travel. Whether it’s for working off the delicious food you’ve been eating at your travel destination or just getting back to your healthy habits, heading back into the gym will help you feel physically and mentally better too.

10 – Do Groceries And Stock Up The Fridge

One of the biggest items on my to-do list when I get back from vacation is to do groceries and stock up the fridge again as I leave it as empty as possible before I leave just to make sure things don’t go bad by the time I return. If you plan and prep your meals to streamline daily routines, it should be pretty straightforward to figure out your grocery list and the foods you need. I like purchasing high-quality fruits, vegetables, and meats for better flavors and freshness which ensures I’ll actually consume everything without wasting it! I love finding local grocery stores or food boxes or meats that I can order online as well.

11 – Ease Into Work

If you like to give yourself a day or two after coming back from vacation to reset and get back on track, this is a great time to allow yourself to ease into work. Unless you want to maximize your time off like I do, you probably have to work the very next day after the last flight out of the country you just visited. Once you’re back at work, you can try to begin by tackling less demanding tasks to ease back into your work routine and prioritize critical assignments while adjusting to your workflow. It’s never easy to jump back into work after a vacation, sometimes it’s like you go back and forget how to do your job and forgot all your passwords! So take your time and don’t stress yourself out – your job can wait, after all you just went on vacation. 

12 – Tackle Finances Promptly

One of the biggest responsibilities to take care of once you’re back from your travels is to tackle your finances promptly if you have been away for a while and haven’t done so already. I like to ensure my credit cards are cleared before departing, providing flexibility for potential expenses while I’m abroad, and carefully monitoring due dates to avoid any overdue payments. It’s important to review your vacation expenses and to watch out for any unauthorized transactions as well as update your budgets along the way. This will lessen the stress of bills and ensure you can continue contributing to your savings together with your future trips. 

13 – Organize Digital Files From Your Trip

The hardest thing for me to manage when I come back from my trips is to sort and edit all my digital files from my phone, my camera(s), and my Insta360 which can take at least 2 to 3 weeks depending on how long my trip was. Also, clearing up unnecessary clutter and backing up important files is another huge task since I like to be safe and back them up on 2 SSD’s and a hard drive. I learned my lesson after dropping my hard drive 3 feet on the floor once which caused it to stop working and I had to pay almost $1000 CAD to pay someone to restore my files! You can Shop My Favorites – Photography to see what equipment I use. 

14 – Slowly Ramp Up The Socializing

Of course, when you get back from your travels, I’m sure there are family and friends who want to catch up with you. For extroverts, your energy comes from spending time with others, and for introverts, you need to be by yourself for a little while to feel better. And if you’re also tired and jetlagged, it may take some effort to slowly ramp up the socializing side of things. You can start by planning outings that align with your interests and scheduling social activities according to your calendar. No need to overwhelm yourself and take the time to recover from your travels, otherwise you can burnout too.

15 – Don’t Forget To Treat Yourself

A great way to get back on track after vacation is some self-care and pampering time! Whether it’s going to the spa, an at-home facial, or indulging in a longer beauty routine, dedicating time to self-care activities promotes relaxation and recovery. So don’t forget to treat yourself! Here are my best recommendations under Shop My Favorites – Skincare if you need some beauty inspiration. 

16 – Plan Your Next Vacation

And finally, a motivational way to recenter and refocus after vacation is none other than eagerly anticipating your next getaway. You can channel your post-vacation blues into positive energy by planning your next destination or exciting and adventurous activities to look forward to. Not only does this keep your travel spirit alive, but it’s also a goal that sparks motivation as you settle in at home and let the anticipation fuel your efforts to get back on track. While you’re waiting for your next vacation, here are 12 Ways To Enjoy Being At Home When You’re Not Traveling and How To Feed Wanderlust From Home.

Remember, the key to getting back on track after vacation is to approach the transition with a balanced and gradual mindset. By incorporating these ideas, you can easily transition back to your routine with a refreshed perspective! Here’s also a blog post to help you Recover From An Adventurous But Tiring Vacation.

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