International travels are always great, but it does take a lot of time and money to make happen. For those who don’t have the luxury or ability to travel outside of their home or city limits, here’s how you can plan the perfect staycation so that you can still have some sense of adventure while still being able to relax. Although being at home day-in and day-out (especially those who work from home know what I’m talking about) may not seem enticing or even qualify as much of a vacation, here are ways on how you can plan the perfect staycation.
A staycation is still a getaway from daily life so keep in mind, that you’ll also have to have the mindset and intention of making this a vacation even though you’re in the comfort of your own home or cities that you may already be familiar with. Trust me, it’ll make a huge difference in how taking time off and being able to enjoy it will turn out. You may not want to waste your precious vacation days just to stay at home (I definitely don’t and it’s one of my biggest fears to waste my days), but even taking a day or two off can help reduce stress and depression and improve sleep quality.
1 – Treat Your Staycation Like A Real Vacation

Just because you’re at home or near home, doesn’t mean it’s not a vacation. As long as you take time off and intend to relax or make the time to do something you don’t normally do, it counts. So what do you do on vacation? You turn off the phone (most of the time) or put it on airplane mode, get in the mindset that you’re finally having some time for yourself and whomever you plan to travel with and anticipate the adventures coming up. Like when you’re on a real vacation in another destination, sometimes you won’t get access to Wi-Fi or don’t find the need to have to pay for a long-distance plan. Treat it like so. Also, it may be tempting since you’re probably staying at home, but save your house chores and other work for when you’re officially done with your staycation!
2 – Plan It Out
To make it a fruitful vacation, plan out your perfect staycation according to your likes, needs, and wants just like you would for an international trip. Although being at home or near home may mean you can be more flexible, it’s still good to have somewhat of a schedule or itinerary to follow. This also helps make sure that you can accomplish everything on your list of things to do for your staycation.
3 – Stay In A Different City
If you are able to go on a short road trip and visit nearby cities, it’s a great change of scenery even if it’s only a couple of hours away. It’ll be nice to not have to cook, clean up after yourself, or make your own bed. You’re also close enough to home that you can easily go back if an emergency comes up, and you don’t have to spend too much time getting to and from your destination. Although you may be considered a “local”, oftentimes there is still so much that is unexplored or attractions you may not even know about until you do the research. And don’t forget, there are always new businesses, shops, restaurants, and more that pop up once in a while that may be worth visiting.
4 – Be A Tourist In Your Own City
You may be well-versed in your city for the most part, but it’s always fun to go back and revisit old stomping grounds once in a while. Not to mention, there are always changes and new developments so it’ll be interesting to see what has come up. Being a tourist in your own city can include visiting different museums, aquariums, zoos, outlet malls, wineries, breweries, distilleries, theatres, theme parks, provincial/national/state parks and more. When you’re so used to local attractions that are near you, sometimes you may either forget or seem uninterested to go. I feel the same sometimes with a few attractions in my city that I have done many times when I was younger. But after a while, it’s nice to be able to revisit and see what’s new.
5 – Be Creative
Ever find yourself bored of your own city? Think outside the box and be creative – to each their own so I won’t necessarily list what this could be since it may be very personal. Even for me, there are times when I find that where I am is so boring and I’ve done everything there is to do. I’m sure there are things that you haven’t done such as a hike with a view that you didn’t know about or something that has been recently introduced to your city. Whether it’s a new restaurant, a pop-up shop, or a one-day event.
Luckily in Toronto, there are themed events almost every week, especially in the summertime so keep an eye out for events that may be coming to a city near you. If that’s not something you’re into, you can do something different at home. That hobby, instrument, sport, or whatever it may be has been in the back of your mind for some time now? This is the perfect time to try it out and see if it’s something you’ll make into a more consistent thing. This is your vacation, so make it your perfect staycation.
6 – Try A Different Cuisine Everyday
One of the best things about traveling is being able to try different cuisines. Why not do the same when you’re having a staycation? Forgo cooking and order something new for your meals every day. You may not be in a different country, but it doesn’t mean your food can’t be. If you prefer, you can also try cooking a different type of food than you’re used to making too to make it more fun.
7 – Go To The Spa
For a lot of people, vacation means relaxing. And it should be one of your major goals when having the perfect staycation. Life can be hectic so slow down and get your nails done and have a massage and facial. You’ll feel refreshed and like a brand-new person. Eyeing that spa you’ve been passing by on your drive home from work? Book that appointment – you deserve it!
8 – Start That Project
Sometimes a staycation may not mean you just want to rest, but to take that time to finally start that project you’ve been thinking about. With mostly uninterrupted downtime, you can spend all your time and efforts on that endeavor you never really had the time or energy for otherwise.
9 – Have A Themed Staycation
Not traveling out of the country this time? No problem. Bring your favorite destination to you and create your very own themed staycation. Love Hawaii or even Paris? Bring on the food, drinks, décor, music, and all the vibes. Not only is it fun, but it’s so easy to do.
Benefits Of A Staycation

Personally, whenever I get any time off or have a long weekend, I like to make the most out of it and plan a full itinerary – including traveling to a different city or country. It’s really hard for me to get into the mindset that sometimes you don’t need to do anything and just relax and be thankful for the extra day. This is something I’m still working on but I know I need to actually schedule time off to literally just do nothing and let my mind and body recover from constantly being on the go. I know I’m definitely in need of the perfect staycation and not having 9-hour road trips or flying across the country for once. Plus, there are so many necessary benefits of staying at home sometimes.
1 – Fewer Costs
Aside from probably having takeout and skipping cooking, there’s not much else you need to pay for. Maybe a new board game or something, but whatever it is will cost much less than planning an entire trip. Having a staycation can even help you save more money for your next international trip.
2 – Flexibility
The good thing about having a staycation is that you have access to everything you need and you can change and adjust your schedule and whatever you want to do freely. When you’re on an international vacation, there’s usually an itinerary or bucket list items you may want to accomplish and schedules to abide by in order to make use of the short time you have abroad. At home, you can adjust your schedule as freely as you like. Nothing beats the flexibility of staying at home and calling all the shots. Want to skip the museum or restaurant today and rebook for tomorrow? No problem. You can go at your own pace without fearing you’ll be missing anything. Plus, even if you miss something I’m sure it’s much easier to rebook even during a work week.
3 – Being Able To Go Home Every Night To Your Own Bed
As much as I love traveling, the biggest part I hate about it is the beds. I’m not sure why I have such a fear of them but nothing beats sleeping in the comfort of my own bed. However, there are people on the other end of the spectrum who just love hotel beds and how comfortable they are but you probably just need a new and better bed at home! At least you also have the peace of mind that there are no bed bugs and a million people haven’t been sleeping there.
4 – Not Having To Pack
If you’re literally having a staycation at home, you don’t even need to pack! And if you do plan to have a staycation in a nearby city, you probably will only need less than half of what you normally bring to an overseas trip.
5 – Less Stress
Not having to worry about going through customs and immigration, making sure there’s enough gas in your tank because a gas station may not be available for 100 miles, or thinking you forgot something at a hotel are only a few things that can cause stress during a trip. With a staycation, it should a majority of the time be stress-free and we could for sure need more of that in our lives. But if you do plan to go across the country or internationally in the future, here’s How To Take The Stress Out Of Traveling.
6 – No Jet Lag Or Time Differences
As you get older, jet lag and time differences may hit you harder. If you decide to have a staycation, you can easily avoid all of that!
7 – Your Pet Stays With You
A lot of the time it’s hard for people to travel because they either can’t or don’t want to find a pet sitter, can’t bring their pet on a plane, or the accommodations they want don’t allow it. Isn’t it a perfect staycation even better when your beloved pet can be with you at all times?
8 – You Can Support Your Local Economy
Travel is a huge industry and an average vacation can cost several thousand per person. Having a staycation or traveling locally will only cost several hundred with food, hotels, and entertainment expenses while supporting your local economy.
What You’ll Need For A Staycation

When it’s your time off, you’ll want to be as comfortable as possible while having everything you need. Here are some suggestions of what you may want to have the perfect staycation.
1 – Comfy Loungewear
Putting on loungewear or athleisure clothing is not only comfortable but stylish. And wearing cute clothes can make you feel more confident even when you’re at home. You want to be able to move around easily and be able to do everything you need to without feeling restricted. A step up from pyjamas, loungewear also allows you to step out of your home without getting weird glances from strangers.
2 – Don’t Forget Spa Essentials
If you plan to wind down and have the perfect staycation, don’t forget spa essentials to pamper yourself. Bring out the bubble bath, candles, face steamer, aromatherapy oils, and high-end skincare – you name it. Pour yourself a glass of wine or champagne while you’re at it and make it feel like a real spa experience.
3 – Comfy Blanket For Movie Marathons
I love fleece blankets with different designs on them, plus they’re so warm and cozy. I love getting mine from places like Winners, Marshall’s, Macy’s or Ross. They always have new designs and they’re extremely affordable (think $20 USD or less). I know a lot of influencers promote Barefoot Dreams blankets, but when I felt them in person they weren’t as soft as I expected because you can get other brands that feel very similarly or even softer. But, I would never object to a comfy blanket! So if you’re interested, they do go on sale between $60-70 USD at Nordstrom Rack so keep an eye out for that deal. Another great blanket to have is the Big Blanket – Original Stretch Blanket or the Big Blanket – Premier Plush Blanket. These are especially good for movie marathons with the family since they’re so large (larger than a king-size blanket) and can fit multiple people under there. They’re also great for afternoon naps on the couch or even using them as your bed covers. And they’re temperature regulating.
4 – Board Games
You can’t go wrong with board games on vacation or a cottage getaway, much less for the perfect staycation. They’re always fun no matter what age and they’re always good to have should the occasion arise.
5 – Your Camera To Capture The Perfect Staycation
Although you may not be visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Charles Bridge in Prague or seeing ombré sunsets in Mexico, it doesn’t mean you can’t capture some of your best moments during the perfect staycation you planned! It’s always good to have memories to look back on no matter where you are and just because you’re staying local doesn’t mean it’s not an event to remember.
When you’re ready to start going international, visit Destinations for more travel inspiration.